Father, Husband, Classic Mini Owner, Libertarian, Japan-living-in guy, Decent Cook, Avid Movie Watcher, Sailboat sailer guy, opinionist, official-sounding-name maker-upper, and a lot of names I can't repeat in decent company. Welcome to my BLOG.
Tim! This is Rob...yeah. Not so much for the company lately...all the old guys have been replaced by drooling idiots or officers who still get their moms to pack their lunches. And your hamster game? Rocks. I love it.
Thanks a lot. Now I'm hooked ...
Stupid hamsters... I am horrible at this game!
Tim! This is Rob...yeah. Not so much for the company lately...all the old guys have been replaced by drooling idiots or officers who still get their moms to pack their lunches. And your hamster game? Rocks. I love it.
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