Father, Husband, Classic Mini Owner, Libertarian, Japan-living-in guy, Decent Cook, Avid Movie Watcher, Sailboat sailer guy, opinionist, official-sounding-name maker-upper, and a lot of names I can't repeat in decent company. Welcome to my BLOG.
My take on this is that without hope you feel hopeless. With no hope in your life your miserable (been there done that, not fun). I dont believe you can base your hope on circumstances of the world, it has to be on the One who is way more reliable than that, and obviously I am refering to God.
it's not audacious - it's innate, human, and linked to the survival instinct. Calling it 'audacious' is like 'putting lipstick on a pig,' or rather glorifying a common condition. Even if some faceless power was there to crush one dream, that would not stop us from dreaming another one. And when you stop hoping, you tend to die, literally. Hope is nothing more than finding a way to stay alive.
My take on this is that without hope you feel hopeless. With no hope in your life your miserable (been there done that, not fun). I dont believe you can base your hope on circumstances of the world, it has to be on the One who is way more reliable than that, and obviously I am refering to God.
it's not audacious - it's innate, human, and linked to the survival instinct. Calling it 'audacious' is like 'putting lipstick on a pig,' or rather glorifying a common condition. Even if some faceless power was there to crush one dream, that would not stop us from dreaming another one. And when you stop hoping, you tend to die, literally. Hope is nothing more than finding a way to stay alive.
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