Friday, July 03, 2009

I've got this friend...

I was catching up on blog posts today before going to a very important meeting (read that as I've got a 0712 tee time) and saw that my buddy Rob and his wife were having troubles with their house and HOA again.

They're really good people, Rob and Danielle, and I hate it for them that they have to go through all of this after all they've put into it already.

Well, they've had another run in with fate, plumbing, speedy-house-making-during-the-boom, and just plain bad luck as the sprinkler system for their unit sprung a leak behind their wall and they've got damage inside their home.

I wanted so badly to post this video as a response to their post, but as much as I like them, I wanted to save my sarcasm and jack-assery for my limited audience over here so as to not offend their other friends with my particular take on things.

1 comment:

The Townleys said...

HAHAHAHAHA JUST saw this. What you dont know is that Rob and I are pretty sure we are being filmed for a 2010 release of that movie. We've been identifying with this movie practically since we moved in. :-)